What is it about a rainbow that makes me smile? I think the main reason is that a rainbow is very unexpected and it is something that you don't see everyday. I always find myself exclaiming out loud 'oh, look! A rainbow!'...even if there is isn't anybody else around me. The exclamation is followed by the smile and then I reach for my camera to capture the moment. And I am still very thankful for instant photograph availability with the technology we have. The older generations are wrong to dismiss it (not all of them of course) but when I am at work I hear it every day..'oh all this technology is more of a hinderance' ...'grumph grumph grumph' ...while they still cash their cheques refusing to use the cash machines because they don't 'trust' machines...'trust a machine'...what a load of rubbish! Anyway, back to rainbows. What I was getting at before my digressing is that I don't know what I would do without a camera in my pocket. I am a visual person, taking in all my knowledge visually. I think another joy of a rainbow is that it is something beautiful after the grim and miserable rainstorm.
This photo that I captured from my window when I was living in kent really demonstrates what I am saying. It visually shows a difference in the light above and below the prism colours as though the rainbow is fighting back the darkness to let in the light. As far as the rainbow colours go...well they aren't my kind of colours, they are too bright and bold, but am I right in saying that a rainbow spectrum includes all the colours and tones of colour? "All the colours of a rainbow" ... but although I don't think that they are great colours I do think they show up brilliantly against a dark background, providing the 'wow, look, a rainbow' effect.
Red, orange, yellow and green, blue, indigo and violet. Remember the song?