Sunday 11 April 2010


This tree is one of the most awe inspiring trees. It has such a presence and fills the sky with intricate vein like patterns. When I lie under it I can watch the birds twittering (not the internet kind) and carrying on among it's branches. It exudes a certain aura which changes from season to season. Now, in the Spring, it has an air of regeneration. The birds are singing happily in it's branches and the bud are starting to show. When the leaves start showing it becomes a whole different being. It provides shade to those below and takes up a more solid space in the sky. And then in the Autumn the leaves whither and fall...dying their certain death to reveal its skeleton underneath. The cycle goes on, year after year, regenerating itself and getting larger, taking up more space, increasing its presence. And I sit and watch, admiring and thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Stephnie your photography is beautiful. This tree is amazing.

    I have an interview with Artist Robert Anders up on my site that is fascinating.

    Art by Karena
