Thursday, 7 October 2010

Cupcake Love

I am feeling a bit down in the dumps because I have a bit of a cold and it is making me feel groggy and headachy and bleh! Phil (my amazing boyfriend) has been so good and has been keeping me more than adequately supplied with cups of tea, Beechams and hugs. So to thank him I have stored up some energy to make him some lemon cupcakes. Now I know that they aren't very manly because of their pinkness but trust me, he won't care as long as there is cake underneath.

Check out this is the easiest recipe in the world.


125g soft mararine (or butter)
125g caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
2 eggs
125g self raising flour
1tsp baking powder
1 lemon - grated rind & juice
175g icing sugar
Yellow or Pink food colouring

1) Beat the margarine, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder and lemon rind in a mixing bowl. Don't bother mixing one thing at a time - just chuck it in!

2) Divide mixture evenly into cupcake cases in a muffin tin and spread surfaces level (I didn't bother with the spreading...I don't feel well so couldn't be bothered)

3) Bake in 180 degree Celsius preheated oven for 15-18 minutes, until golden brown and springy to touch (don't burn your fingers)

4) Once your cupcakes have cooled, mix the icing sugar with 4-5 tsps lemon juice to make a thick gooey paste. Add your colouring. Ice and decorate your lemony cupcakes to your hearts content.

Enjoy with a cup of delicious tea for an instant pick me up and the perfect way to say thank-you to someone you love
x x

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